Monday, March 10, 2008

Math Blog # 3

In high school, girls take as many math courses as boys. This is because the girls are influenced by their friends and their peers. These freinds usually have good grades or are doing very well in school. Girls usually go to their close friends on opinions of what to do such as taking a certain math course or just important things. They do this way more than boys do.

In my opinion I think this is because girls have a tendency to mature faster than boys. I rarely hear of boys going to each other for important decisions or choicies. Girls are more likely to do that. For more information visit...

Math Blog #2

In Democratic News...

Barack Ombama is winning so far against Hilary Clinton in the Superdelegates votes. Ombama has 1,553 votes and Hillary has 1,438 votes.

In my opinion I think that even though Hillary is losing by only 115 votes, I still think that she has a pretty good chance of winning. I think Hillary should win the whole presidential election because if she does I think it will prove to a lot of people that women can do the same things men can do. Hillary can learn from her husband Bill about what it is like to be in office and it will be a good experience for her. I also believe that she will help our country in so may ways way more then president Bush did and is still doing. For more informatiion log onto...

Math Blog #1

A really hard math problem that has defeated mathematics for almost 140 has recently been solved. The solver is Professor Darren Crowdy. He is a researcher at Imperial College in London.

In my opinion Darren must be really smart to figure out this math problem. I wonder how long it had taken him? Mr. Boehm, I challenge you to go onto this website to learn more about it and if you can find this math problem I dare you to complete it. (if you can!) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Anyone else can check it out too!!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Popping Fun Lab

Popping Fun!!!! :)

In science class we did a "popping fun lab." In this lab we used a test tube, baking soda, a cork screw, vinegar, and water. What we had to do was pour the right amount of vinegar and baking soda into the test tube to make the cork screw fly and hit the window in the classroom.

In my opinion this lab was REALLY fun! I might even want to do it at home sometime. But not inside the house! I love when it explodes or (if it explodes.) I just don't like it when it bubbles and the cork screw doesn't go anywhere, but it only makes me want to try harder to get the right ratio of baking soda and vinegar in the test tube.

Three interesting facts are...
* If you put baking soda and water on the cork screw, it fly's farther! :)
* Test tubes brake easily if you don't hold them correctly!
* You need to have good aim and a smart brain to make the cork screw hit the window!

Overall this was a cool lab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!