Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Class Response Blog

Smart Board Acceleration Game

In science class we played a game on the smart board that had to do with acceleration. In this game you had to find the block with the correct height that would move the car down the track all the way to the number 100. You also had to find the correct type of weight to place on the car in order for it to increase acceleration.

Three Interesting Facts Are...
* The higher you make the starting point for the car (or whatever you are dropping) the more acceleration to move forward it recieves.
* The smart board makes the game interactive and even more fun then it would be on a regular computer.
* This game shows you how force and acceleration are related and can make something move.

In my opinion I think that the Smart Board acceleration game is awesome. It is really fun to play it and you are learning while you are playing. By playing this game you really learn a lot about life and how acceleration plays a major part in it. I find it amazing that acceleration and force are what makes a marble move down a hill or a book slide down a set of steep stairs. Overall, this game is great for people that want to learn more about acceleration and how it works.

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