Sunday, January 25, 2009

Current Event Blog #6

Global Warming Threatens Forests

Who- Generations of scientists.
What- Specific trees such as "pines, firs and hemlocks" in forests are being killed because of global warming.
Where- Several sites in "Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and southwestern British Columbia.
When- Thursday, January 22, 2009
Why- Some trees can't live up to the harsh climates that global warming is producing.

In my opinion I think that it is terrible that trees are dying because of global warming. I don't think that there is anything that we can do to stop it but we can help fix it. As a solution to trees dying due to global warming we can plant new trees. By replanting trees this will ensure oxygen and a healthier Earth. This will also replace the trees that have died. Overall, I think that on this year's Earth Day we should all plant a tree for our planet.

For more information visit-

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