Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Math Blog (Extra Credit)


In math class we learned about inequalities. An inequality is "a statement formed by placing an inequality symbol between two expressions." Inequalities can be multiplied, divided, subtracted or added together. An example of one would be: "x-2>5". To solve it, first you would add 2 to both sides. Then your equation will look like this: x>7. Therefore if you were to graph this inequality there would be an open dot and the arrow would be going to the right.

Three Interesting Facts Are...
* If you are multiplying or dividng by a negative number then you must switch the inequality sign.
* The arrow in the inequality shows you which way to make the line on your graph go.
* When you add, subtract, divide, or multiply a number you have to do it to the other side too. Whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other.

In my opinion inequalities are a great thing to know how to do. Nothing in life is always exact, and knowing how to solve inequalities may help you out later in life. Inequalities are easy to learn, but sometimes confusing. You have to know the basic rules such as switching the inequalitiy sign at the right time and problem and knowing that whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other. Overall, inequalities are a very significant and useful part of math.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Current Event Blog #2


Who- Scientists working on the island
What- "Long- Lost Furby -Look- Alike." This creature looks just like Furby! Furby was a popular "electronic toy" in "the late 1990s." This "Furby-Look-Alike" can "fit snugly in one hand", and is most likely really soft since it is claimed to be a "fur ball!"
Where- Lore Lindu National Park on the Indonesian island
When- Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Why- The scientists found it because they were on the island.

In my opinion I think that this "Furby-Look-Alike" is really cool! It seems like an awesome pet. Forget about plastic toys this is real! I would love to have one. I've always wanted a Furby but this one is even better. Overall, I think that the "Furby-Look-Alike" is a great discovery and I hope that they can be sold as pets if more are found. It would be so cool to have an animal as a pet that "many scientists" thought were "extinct!"

For more information visit-

Monday, November 17, 2008

Class Response Blog #2

Smart Board

In science class we have something called a Smart Board. It is easy to use and is super fun.

Three Interesting Facts Are...
You can type on the Smart Board.
* It is interactive
* You can erase and write with the special markers

In my opinion the Smart Board is really cool. I love drawing and playing games on it. The Smart Board makes our science classes easier because now we don't have to stare at a small television screen. I always enjoy watching the interactive food webs move on the screen and playing the Wii with my classmates. Overall, I think the Smart Board is awesome and it makes learning fun.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Current Event Blog

Who- The people of London, England
What- The M-Dress
Where- London, England
When- October 24, 2008
Why- The M-Dress was made to make it easiar to live. Now you don't have to take your cellphone everywhere. All you have to do is put a SIM card into the dress and it is now your cellphone. Put the M-Dress on and if you raise your hand to your head when the dress rings, it will answer your call!

In my opinion I think that the M-Dress is a great idea because it is fashionable and it makes life easiar. Now there is no need to carry around your cellphone when you can wear it! What could be more easiar then putting your hand to your head to answer a call?! Overall I belive that the M- Dress is a great and helpful invention and that it will be ideal for multitasking.

For more information visit:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Class Response Blog

In science class we did an experiment invloving leaving a gummi bear in a liquid overnight. My liquid was lemon juice.

Three Interesting Facts are...

* Lemon juice is a really foggy liquid so it is hard to see a gummi bear in it.
* When you leave a gummi bear in lemon juice overnight, it becomes a blob.
*Lemon juice smells discusting so don't take a whiff!

In my opinion I liked this experiment. It is always fun to see how things change and react over a period of time. Who would have thought that something as simple and small as a gummi bear could change its form so drastically. Overall this experiment was fun and I hope to do many more.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Math Is...

To me, math is something that you use everyday. For example, suppose you want to buy a shirt at Target that costs $40.00 and is 10% off. To find the price of the shirt you need to use percent decrease. Another way that we all use math everyday is in cooking. One way we use math in cooking is when we add fractions together to get the right amount of a certain ingredient. There are so many other examples of how we can use math everyday. Too many to write. Math is clearly an important part of our lives and it would be hard to live without it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Science Extra Credit Blog

The Wind Tapped
By: Emily Dickinson

The wind tapped like a tired man,
And like a host, "Come in,"
I boldly answered; entered then
My residence within

A rapid, footless guest,
To offer whom a chair
Were as impossible as hand
A sofa to the air.

No bone had he to bind him,
His speech was like the push
Of numerous humming-birds at once
From a superior bush.

His countenance a billow,
His fingers, if he pass,
Let go a music, as of tunes
Blown tremulous in glass.

He visited, still flitting;
Then, like a timid man,
Again he tapped--'t was flurriedly--
And I became alone.

The poem I chose to read was “The Wind Tapped” by Emily Dickinson. The type of weather discussed in this poem is the wind. Weather is used as personification in this poem, for example in the first line in the second stanza where it says, “A rapid, footless guest.” Some literary techniques that were used in this poem are personification, as I mentioned before, and similes. One example of a simile from the poem can be found in the second line in the third stanza, “His speech was like the push of numerous humming-birds at once from a superior bush.” I think that if this poem did not mention weather, it would not make sense because the whole poem involves weather and without it the poem would not be complete.
Dickinson’s poem does not really further my knowledge about the wind and weather in a scientific way. However, the way that the wind is personified and all that Dickinson writes about the wind almost being a friend to her, furthers my knowledge about how wind and weather can make you feel. The narrator in the poem treats the “tired man”, which is the wind, as a guest, and when the wind stops blowing and leaves, the poem ends “And I became alone” which shows how the narrator feels like there is almost an empty space and something is missing. I felt after reading “The Wind Tapped,” that the knowledge that Emily Dickinson has about the wind and about weather is how it can make you feel. Understanding this definitely did enhance the poem for me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Class Response Blog #2


In class we are learning about clouds. There are three basic types. Cumulus, cirrus and stratus clouds.

3 Interesting Facts Are...

* Cumulus clouds look like "piles of cotton balls."
* Stratus clouds turn into fog when they form close to the ground.
* Cirrus clouds are "feathery and fibrous."

In my opinion clouds are really cool. I never knew that they has special names for what they look like. I also never knew that cumulus clouds could produce thunderstorms when they are darker on the bottom. Overall, clouds are a very interesting subject to learn and study about.

Class Response Blog #1

Arctic Tale

In class we watched a movie called Arctic Tale that is about how walrus' and polar bears live and survive.

Three Interesting Facts Are...

* Walrus' are a very close family. They do everything together. Such as eating and swimming.
* When a mother polar bear has new baby bears they live in a snow hole for a while.
* The male polar bear is the enemy to the female polar bear and her children.

In my opinion this movie was really interesting. I learned how polar bears find food, who there enemy is, what walrus' do, how both polar bears and walrus' survive when things go wrong in their habitat and so much more. If you want to learn about walrus' and polar bears I would suggest that you watch this movie. Overall Arctic Tale as an awesome movie.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Social Studies Blog

I think the computer has made the greatest impact on society. You can do anything with a computer. Whether it's looking for information, playing games, or just chatting with your friends, you can do anything on a computer! Years ago people had to use books to find information and call their friends instead of just quickly being able to e mail or IM them. The computer has made our lives so much easiar, and there have been fabulous advances in technology because of it.

ILuvShockey Green Social Studies :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Math Blog # 3

In high school, girls take as many math courses as boys. This is because the girls are influenced by their friends and their peers. These freinds usually have good grades or are doing very well in school. Girls usually go to their close friends on opinions of what to do such as taking a certain math course or just important things. They do this way more than boys do.

In my opinion I think this is because girls have a tendency to mature faster than boys. I rarely hear of boys going to each other for important decisions or choicies. Girls are more likely to do that. For more information visit...

Math Blog #2

In Democratic News...

Barack Ombama is winning so far against Hilary Clinton in the Superdelegates votes. Ombama has 1,553 votes and Hillary has 1,438 votes.

In my opinion I think that even though Hillary is losing by only 115 votes, I still think that she has a pretty good chance of winning. I think Hillary should win the whole presidential election because if she does I think it will prove to a lot of people that women can do the same things men can do. Hillary can learn from her husband Bill about what it is like to be in office and it will be a good experience for her. I also believe that she will help our country in so may ways way more then president Bush did and is still doing. For more informatiion log onto...

Math Blog #1

A really hard math problem that has defeated mathematics for almost 140 has recently been solved. The solver is Professor Darren Crowdy. He is a researcher at Imperial College in London.

In my opinion Darren must be really smart to figure out this math problem. I wonder how long it had taken him? Mr. Boehm, I challenge you to go onto this website to learn more about it and if you can find this math problem I dare you to complete it. (if you can!) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Anyone else can check it out too!!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Popping Fun Lab

Popping Fun!!!! :)

In science class we did a "popping fun lab." In this lab we used a test tube, baking soda, a cork screw, vinegar, and water. What we had to do was pour the right amount of vinegar and baking soda into the test tube to make the cork screw fly and hit the window in the classroom.

In my opinion this lab was REALLY fun! I might even want to do it at home sometime. But not inside the house! I love when it explodes or (if it explodes.) I just don't like it when it bubbles and the cork screw doesn't go anywhere, but it only makes me want to try harder to get the right ratio of baking soda and vinegar in the test tube.

Three interesting facts are...
* If you put baking soda and water on the cork screw, it fly's farther! :)
* Test tubes brake easily if you don't hold them correctly!
* You need to have good aim and a smart brain to make the cork screw hit the window!

Overall this was a cool lab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Panda

Where- San Diego California When- January 15 2008 Who- A Baby panda named Zhen Zhen What- A baby Panda at a zoo Why- Zhen Zhen is at the zoo for people to see. She is so cute and the people adore her. In my opinion I think this is pretty cool! The panda is soooooooo cute and it is also a great chance for people to study and look at pandas. I want to meet a panda! There are adorable! If I go to China someday I want to meet a panda there!